Faithie Advisory Is In Effect

I had no idea that someone had made a gif of me yesterday!

Finals will do that to you.. It feels like college life is gravy: progress is being made.. There’s always something going on, yet everything has a way of working out in the end.. somehow…

Then BAM out of nowhere pressure just builds up. So much is going on (including the home front) it’s no longer chaotically working itself out.. How the hell is this ALL going to get done in the short amount of time that feels my life?!


No idea! And with no dojo time in sight I have no ability to get out this pentupness of craziness (which is probably adding to the situation…) Plan B has seriously involved me just going into purple minion mode.. shaking and screaming… total grown woman tantrums..

Mostly it’s been when I’m by myself (like when I’m self contained in the car  ) Yesterday though there was a few public outburts…

Hence the Advisory in Effect…