Then And Now


I am noticing as of late, how different of a person I was when I was Faith the Almighty. Those not aware, that was the title I had as a senior student in high school that the freshman gave me. I had a mini cult following… But that was almost 12 years and instead of followers I have  a family that expects me to get up before the sun does…

But that’s besides the point..

Here’s an example of how I changed:

Photo Here

Roswell was THE show for me and my friends. It concluded pretty much when our high school days did… fate… pretty much..

But back then I was always wrapped up in the Maria and Michael angst.. I loved me a semi bad boy who was misunderstood… It’s as no surprise really that the relationship that ended with the beginning of my blogging career fell the same path…

Flash foreward to a year ago when I re-watched the show.. and I was on team Max and Liz! Let’s face it, Max came with some pretty hefty baggage himself (hello wifey Tess) but still.. he was keeper


The Daily Prompt asked:

Which subject in school did you find impossible to master? Did math give you hives? Did English make you scream? Do tell!


Most of my K-12 education years I hated math. My problem was that I picked up on it quickly. Too quickly that repeatedly doing it over and over in homework was the WORST torture ever. Seriously.. I can’t tell you have many “talks” I had with various math teachers about how well I would do if I applied myself in homework. As a result of never doing homework I usually averaged C’s. <~ Hey I passed AND didn’t have to do the homework… Pretty validated in my math career choices.

Now… I am OWNING math. Homework still counts in college, but instead of like 25% of my grade it’s usually 15% and accumulated with attendance and participation.. Here’s the difference between now and them… I’m doing my homework.. even for the course where the teacher never checked. I enjoy working out the puzzles especially since in my current math class I’m practically teaching myself the material.. I currently have a 103 in that class.. so I must be doing something right 😉


My strong suit in high school was English. Literature and analyzing and interpreting was my thing. There was a comfort in completely being justified in my way of interpretation and the freedom of forming own my thoughts.. I loved to write and would write in journals for hours.

Now…. It’s become very apparent that English isn’t exactly that way. I’ve wondered if some of my grades in English were based on the opinions of my professor versus a legit grading system. It’s not a cut and dry with  one specific answer world like math.

One similarity though..

Is that I am fascinated with the sciences such as biology and chemistry….. but have no desire to put the effort required in these courses. As a result, I have not taken any in my freshman year of college.

A Peek Into My Past

We’re giving you a free ticket to the period and place of your choice: where do you go? Do you stay where you are, or venture somewhere far away? Do you go all the way back to prehistoric times, or relive a fun moment you just had last year?
I’m not a big fan of time travel…. So Instead I will post my very first blog post ever: 
Wednesday April 30, 2003

         It is the end of the month, and with it another bitter chapter of my life ends.

       A new chapter begins. A journey to hopefully find self respect once again and pride. I’ve let guys manipulate me enough. And all in the name of love..

      Well, love goes hand and hand with honesty and respect. I need to find a love that will see that I am not a toy, but a treasure. Ah, idealistic dreams. Are there such guys in the world?


I feel at times emotionless because of the path of self-respect that I’ve chosen. Then at other times I feel a little remorse. It’s not a deep emotion. Not one that makes me regret the way things have gone, I wish it didn’t have to be this way. But this is what I had to do.

I don’t knnow who he is anymore. He’s changed. And if I didn’t love him I would have left all this crap a long time ago.

But I wanted to believe he wanted to change. I could tell the first week that he was trying. And then she came back and he just started to regress back to his old ways 😦 .

And through it all he lies to me. He lies to everyone, and I’m assuming moreso to himself.

Lies are the filth of this world, and those who are the masters of them are their vermin. They feed off of it and as soon as they consume a little they need it more, until nothing is pure in their world anymore…although this makes me also think of something else other than just lies that taints his world….

The Great Lazyfest of 2013 and Feral Kindergarteners

Thus concludes what will henceforth will be known as the A family lazyfest of 2013.

Our Christmas break was ah-mazing! We slept in…..we took naps….we watched tv and played video games to our heart’s content…..We mostly stayed home and gorged ourselves senseless…..

It was a huge change to our normal routine and something I think we all needed….Myself especially. I’m the juggler. I always have 20 balls in the air and always on the go. It was really nice to not only slow down, but come to a complete stop for a bit. It helped me to refocus on the road ahead and I feel renewed to pick back up where I left off…

The Daily Post asked:

When you look back at your blog on January 2, 2015, what would you like to see?

Well…in a nutshell I want to be able to read through 2014 and comment “wow…what a hell of a year!” And not in the negative, I can’t wait for 2015 kind of way… I want  it to be like when you just get off a roller coaster and you’re trying to walk in a straight line as your equilibrium is adjusting way..

And it will…. because 2014 has some pretty awesome things lined up for me….

I’m turning 30…Awesome party in my honor….heck yes!

Getting my blackbelt…adding that one with my current black belt in awesoneness

Completing my first year in college. Hopefully with honors!

I will be looking smoking hot this summer…. Beach body…it’s happening!


There’s an impending storm looming our area that a good portion of schools in my area closed over. Our district makes the call first thing in the morning….I was semi banking on having no school so I could sleep in and  continue our mindless marathon of the Ultimate Spiderman.

They have brought out a lot of non mainstream characters that had hubby and I showing off, or challenging each other, on our geeky prowess.. Seriously though… if you have netflix check this show out.

Our district ended up resuming school after our holiday break. Now weather wise this makes sense. Other than a light dusting we aren’t projected to get slammed until tonight. There is nooooooo way we’re going to have school tomorrow.

So…after being out since the 20th of December we’re going to resume for ONE day and then be off the next 3 days….

That makes a LOT of sense….

And of course this one day that will be in session would be a Thursday…..the day I volunteer in the classroom. Those Kindergartners have probably gone feral by now…. O.O

By The Skin Of my Teeth


Today’s daily prompt asks:

Share a time when you narrowly avoided disaster.


I don’t remember my age exactly, and it’s not something I care to ask, but I nearly drowned.

There are some man made lakes on the Naval Base near where I live. One in particular has a pavilion set up and so a lot of summer functions happen there. My dad took me to one, and I remember him with a beer in hand flipping burgers with some of his buddies from work. I was allowed to roam freely and I remember playing some game involving a flyswatter and shaving cream or whip cream?

Then I remember going into the water because I was obsessed with some of the bigger kids that had decided to go for a dip. I remember just walking in, my first time probably that deep in water, and just walking until it covered my head. I can clearly still see the murky distorted images of seeing through the water trying to get to those cool kids much further away.

What I don’t remember is not being able to breathe. Inhaling the water instead of air and then eventually passing out.

Fortunately one of the big kids noticed me and dragged me out of the water. I’m probably one of the reasons there are now lifeguards at that lake…..

5 Items

The Daily Prompt today asks:

A classic question, revisited: what are the five items you must have on a deserted island?


1. Sunscreen

2. Sunglasses

(Because let’s face it. pasty white chicks like me can’t survive on an island without 1 and 2)

3.A cross stitch project that would take as long as the amount of time I’d be on the island

4. A pet monkey trained to be my awesome sidekick

5. A notebook with a pen attached to log my adventures.